မၿဖိဳးၿဖိဳးေအာင္ ဖမ္းဆီးခံရမႈနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္၍ အေမရိကန္သမၼတေဟာင္း George W. Bush မွ အၿမန္ၿပန္လည္လႊတ္ေပးရန္ ေၾကျငာခ်က္ထုတ္ၿပန္ခဲ့

ၿမန္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္ လတ္တေလာၿဖစ္ပြားခဲ့သည့္ အမ်ိဳးသားပညာေရးဥပေဒၿပင္ဆင္ေပးေရးအတြက္ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္း စြာဆႏၵထုတ္ေဖာ္ခဲ့ႀကေသာေက်ာင္းသားမ်ားအား ေထာက္ခံေႀကာင္းႏွင့္ ပညာေရးၿပဳၿပင္ေၿပာင္း လဲမႈသည္ အေရးႀကီးေႀကာင္း၊ ထုိသုိ. ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းစြာဆႏၵထုတ္ေဖာိမႈမ်ားတြင္ ၿဖိဳခြင္းဖမ္းဆီးခံခဲ့ရသူမၿဖိဳးၿဖိဳးေအာင္၊ အေထြေထြအတြင္းေရးမွဴး၊ ဗမာႏိုင္ငံလုံဆုိင္ရာေက်ာင္းသားသမဂၢမ်ား အဖဲြ.ခ်ဳပ္ အပါအ၀င္ ဖမ္းဆီးခံေက်ာင္း သားမ်ား အၿမန္ၿပန္လည္လႊတ္ပးရန္ အေမရိကန္သမၼတေဟာင္း George W. Bush ၏ George W. Bush Presidential Center မွ မတ္လ ၁၂ ရက္စဲြပါ ထုတ္ၿပန္ခ်က္တစ္ရပ္ ထုတ္ၿပန္ခဲ့ေႀကာင္း သတင္းရရိွပါ သည္။

Statement by President and Mrs. George W. Bush----
“We are deeply concerned about the recent arrests of peaceful demonstrators in Burma by local authorities. Among those arrested is Phyoe Phyoe Aung, General Secretary of the All-Burma Federation of Student Unions and a participant in the Bush Institute’s Liberty and Leadership Forum. She is a passionate advocate for education in Burma. Like Phyoe Phyoe Aung, many of the demonstrators are students working to support Burma’s transition by advocating for a transparent and accountable education system. Education is vital to the political, economic, and social well-being of every nation and people. We hope that those arrested will soon be released.”
George W. Bush Presidential Center Website.

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